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- This Week In Crozet
This Week In Crozet
Mar 28th - Apr 3rd
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Layering Down

Things To Do
Thursday, March 28th
Ladies Day Out Hike | The Nature Foundation at Wintergreen | 9 AM - 3 PM | $15 | Registration Required
*Preschool Story Time | Crozet Library | 10 - 10:30 AM | $ Free | 2-5 years old w/accompanying adult
Storytime w/Ms Amanda | Bluebird & Co | 11 AM - Noon
Bold Book Club | Bold Rock Hard Cider | 6 - 8 PM
*Crozet Trails Run | Starr Hill | 6 - 7 PM
Open Mic Night | PRN Brewery | 6 - 9 PM | $ Free
Kane Brown: In The Air Tour | JPJ Arena | 7 PM
*Cornhole Tournament | Wood Ridge Farm Brewery | 7 - 9 PM | $ Free
Paint by the Pint | Wood Ridge Farm Brewery | 7 - 10 PM | $40
Little Naturalist | Ivy Creek Natural Area | 10 - 11:30 AM | Ages 3-5 | Registration Preferred
Friday, March 29th
Humpback Rocks Backwards Hike | 10 AM - 1 PM | $Free | Registration Required
Live Music: Andy Tichenor's Almost Acoustic | The Foundry | 7 - 10 PM | $Free
Baby and Toddler Story Time | Waynesboro Library | 10 - 11 AM | Ages 0-3
*Preschool Story Time | Crozet Library | 10 - 10:30 AM | $ Free | 2-5 years old w/accompanying adult
Lego at the Library | Crozet Library | 2 -3 PM | $ Free | Ages 5-11 | Registration Required
*Fish Fry and Karaoke | Wood Ridge Farm Brewery | Fish Fry 4 - 9 PM | Music: DJ Maddog 7 - 11 PM
*Friday Night Karaoke | Bold Rock | 6 - 9 PM
Live Music: Hard Swimmin’ Fish with Just a Bite Food Truck | Glass House Winery | 6 - 8:30 PM
Paint + Sip: Field of Fireflies | Orchard Creek | 6 - 8 PM | $40
Friday Tasting Social | Hazy Mountain Vineyard | 6 - 7 PM | $15
Live Music: Conley Ray and The Joneses | Batesville Market | 7 - 10 PM | $10
Live Music: James Tamelcoff | PRN Brewery | 7 - 10 PM

Easter Events
March 30th
Waynesboro Easter Egg Hunt | Ridgeview Park | 10 AM Ages 0-2 | 10:15 AM Ages 3-5 | 10:30 Ages K-1st Grade | 10:45 Ages 2-3rd Grade
Hop Into Spring | Chiles Peach Orchard | 10 AM - 3 PM | $10
Easter Egg Hunt | Three Notch'd Brewery | 10:30 - 5 PM | $10
Easter Bunny Photos | PRN Brewery | 11 AM - 1 PM | $30 | Reservations Needed
Easter Egg Hunt | Bold Rock Hard Cider | Noon Ages 0-4 | 2 PM Ages 5-8 | 4 PM Ages 9+
Easter Egg Hunt | Brewing Tree Beer Co | Noon
Easter Egg Hunt | Crozet Baptist Church | 11 AM
Community Easter Egg Hunt | Crozet Fellowship Church | 1:30 PM Everyone is welcome and there will be age-restricted areas for children up to 10 years old

Sunday, March 31st
Easter Egg Hunt | Wintergreen Ski Resort | 10 - 10:30 AM
Easter Sunday Activities | King Family Vineyard | 11 AM - 4 PM
Easter Peep House Decorating | Wintergreen Resort | 11 AM - Noon | $14
Easter Egg Hunt | Hazy Mountain Vineyard | 1 PM Ages 0-6 | 2 PM Ages 7-14 | 3 PM Ages 21+
Adult Easter Egg Hunt | Chiswell Farm and Winery | 2 PM | Ages 21+
Saturday, March 30th
Big Branch Falls via Moormans River Trail Hike | 9 AM - 2 PM | $Free | Registration Required
Plant and Seed Swap | Waynesboro Library | 10 AM - 1 PM
Story time with Crozet Firefighters | Bluebird & Co | 11 AM - Noon | $ Free
Sk8Nelson's Chill and Grill | Rockfish Valley Community Center | Noon - 2 PM | $Free
Live Music: Nick Berkin on Piano | PRN Brewery | Noon - 3 PM
*Crozet Spirits Loop | Crozet Trolley Company | Noon - 5 PM | $59
Live Music: Pro Pivo Band | Brewing Tree | 5 - 8 PM | $ Free
Live Music: The loya Brothers | Brewing Tree | 1 - 4 PM | $ Free
Live Music: Robert Jospé Trio | Glass House Winery | 5 - 8 PM
Roller Skating | Greenwood Community Center | 6 - 9 PM | $2-$3 | Roller blades are allowed. No metal wheels!
Live Music: Audacity Brass Band | PRN Brewery | 7 - 10 PM | $10
Live Music: Ian Vest | Starr Hill | 5 - 7 PM

Sunday, March 31st
Calvary and Chimney Rocks Trail Hike | 10 AM - 1 PM | $Free Registration Required
*Brunch | Bold Rock | 10 AM - 2 PM
"Parent and Me" Cookie Decorating | Hazy Mountain Vineyard | 11:30 - 1 PM | $25
Live Music: Bailey Hayes | Bold Rock Hard Cider | 2 -4 PM
Live Music: Alex Arbaugh | Brewing Tree | 2 - 5 PM | $ Free
Live Music: Nick Berlin on Piano | PRN Brewery | 2 -5 PM
Live Music: The Rimels | Glass House Winery | 2 - 5 PM

Monday, April 1st
Yarns of Love | Waynesboro Library | 4 - 6 PM | $Free
Monday Night Book Group | Crozet Library | 7 - 8:30 PM
Crozet Cares Closet Donation Day | Scott House Community Outreach Rte 250 | 9 - 11 AM | Receiving donations of personal hygiene & household cleaning products
Tuesday, April 2nd
Play and Learn | Waynesboro Library | 10:30 AM - Noon | Ages 0-4
Chess Club | Waynesboro Library | 5 - 7 PM | $ Free
*Trivia Night | Starr Hill | 7 - 9 PM
Spring Lecture: Nate Miller on “Simply Sustainable Landscapes” | Piedmont Master Gardeners | 6:30 - 8 PM | $Free | Registration Required

Wednesday, April 3rd
Preschool Story Time | Waynesboro Library | 10 - 11 AM | Ages 3-5
Children's Chess Club | Waynesboro Library | 1 - 2 PM | Ages 0-12 | $Free
STEM Drop-in: Marble Run | Crozet Library | 2 - 3 PM | Ages 6 and Up
Mid-Week Music: Gary Randal | Blue Mountain Brewery | 5 - 9 PM
Friends Trivia | Orchard Creek | 6 PM | $Free
Brunch Cooking Class | Pippin Hill Farm | 6 PM | $162
*Trivia in the Pavilion | King Family Vineyard | 6 PM
Open Bluegrass Jam | Wood Ridge Farm Brewery | 7 PM
Plant Based Crozet Potluck | Crozet Library | 6 - 8 PM

Planning Ahead
Pickup Basketball | Crozet Park | Tues and Thurs | Noon - 1 PM | $Free
ACPS Spring Break (No School) | April 1st - 5th
Birdies For Bees | Old Trail Golf Course | April 18th | Brownsville PTO Event - proceeds will be used to renovate school’s basketball courts | Registration Required

*Recurring Events
Did we miss something? Please reply and tell us events that you like to go to and where we can find them. Lastly, this is a static newsletter but life isn’t. Check to make sure the event is still happening before loading up your family of 7 for the trip.
Our Town
Mark Your Calendar The Crozet Spring Fling will be held April 20th. Shop local businesses and collect stickers in an event “passport” to win cool raffle prizes. Grab coffee, buy flowers, shop for adorable toys and gifts, stock up on art supplies, eat lunch, enjoy a sweet treat, support local artists, make a craft, and have a beer before the day is through.

Personal Property Tax Albemarle Supervisors are poised to raise personal property taxes by nearly 15% to $3.96 per $100 of assessed value. In other words, the local tax bill on a $20,000 vehicle would grow by $100 for 2024.
Growing Pains County officials will meet April 1st to discuss a proposal to install an E-Z Pass system at the intersection of Rt 240/250 in Crozet. "Rockfish Gap was historically a toll road, that's why it’s called a turnpike. To build the infrastructure Crozet needs, the people that use it the most need to pay their fair share," said an official who asked to remain anonymous.

The proposed E-Z Pass system will cost commuters $2.50 per trip. (Artist’s rendering)
Sunrise Reflections Reader Carmela Parisi snapped this serene shot on March 18th in Old Trail.

Western Way
WAHS News and Notes
Varsity (2-1) shut out previously unbeaten Spotswood 10-0, thanks to Daniel Jones's bat (3 for 3 with 2 RBI) and Josh Lively's pitching arm.
Ava Hardy’s perfect batting night (3 for 3 with 3 RBI) paced the Lady Warriors past Spotswood 4-3.
The varsity boys handled Rockbridge 17-3. Quinn Reilly’s 8-goal output was outrageous.
The varsity girls also dominated Rockbridge, 15-7, then followed up that impressive performance with a statement game against Division 6 northern Virginia power James Madison, taking down the Warhawks 13-9.
The varsity girls (3-0) notched an impressive win over Collegiate, 3-2. Reese Mattern dominated on offense, scoring all three Warrior goals.
The boys squeaked by EC Glass 2-1 to also remain undefeated.
Track & Field
As if two indoor State Championships weren’t enough, several Warrior standouts qualified for Adidas Nationals.
Sophomore sensation Carter Torrence topped her own school record in the 400 meter, placing 4th among a field of fellow top runners from across the country.
The girls’ 4X800 relay team, who won the state championship, nearly broke the school record with a 2nd-place finish.
For the first time, Western fielded a mixed boys/girls 4X400 team to compete at Nationals. They placed 2nd, with impressive performances by Bridger Clark, Connor Rittenhouse, and sisters AJ and Carter Torrence.
Fitzie Partridge and Granby Parnell, the Warrior javelin-catching duo, were disqualified from competition on April 1st due to their use of torso pillows. Parnell was quoted as saying, “Try catching just one of these javelins, much less a meet’s worth; see what you come up with.”

AJ & Carter Torrence, Bridger Clark, and Connor Rittenhouse
Crozet United’s Warrior of the Week is varsity lacrosse senior Quinn Reilly - I mean 8 goals in a single game. Come on, man!
WAHS Links:
The Western Hemisphere WAHS has a newspaper, it’s amazing, you should read it!
Because this sports digest is a “For Crozet, By Crozet“ operation, please feel free to send in notable student accomplishments of the sporting and academic variety.
Upcoming Events
WAHS Varsity Boys Tennis vs Orange County| @ WAHS | Mar 28
WAHS Varsity Boys Soccer vs Orange County | @ WAHS | Mar 28
WAHS Varsity Boys Baseball vs Orange County | @ WAHS | Mar 28
WAHS Varsity Girls Softballl vs Orange County | @ WAHS | Mar 28