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- This Week In Crozet
This Week In Crozet
Apr 11th - 17th
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Getting Tempted To Use My PTO

Things To Do
Thursday, April 11th
*Preschool Story Time | Crozet Library | 10 - 10:30 AM | $ Free | 2-5 years old w/accompanying adult
Board Game Night | Bold Rock Hard Cider | 6 - 9 PM
*Crozet Trails Run | Starr Hill | 6 - 7 PM
Wildflower Hike | Ivy Creek Natural Area | 6:30 PM | Registration Required
SWAG Writers Open Mic Night | Seven Arrows Brewing Co | 6:30 - 8:30 PM | $Free
Live Music: Badfish (Sublime Tribute) | The Foundry | 7 PM | $25
Tom's Elton Tribute | PRN Brewery | 7 - 9 PM | $20
Ladies Day Out Hike at Blackwater Creek | The Nature Foundation at Wintergreen | 9 AM - 3 PM | $15 | Registration Required
Volunteer Interest Meeting | Crozet Volunteer Fire Dept | 7:30 PM

Friday, April 12th
Turk Gap AT Waterbar Refurbishing | Meetup | 9 AM - 1 PM
Baby and Toddler Story Time | Waynesboro Library | 10 - 11 AM | Ages 0-3
*Preschool Story Time | Crozet Library | 10 - 10:30 AM | $ Free | 2-5 years old w/accompanying adult
Classic Movie Matinee: The Philadelphia Story (1940) | Crozet Library | 2 - 4 PM | $Free
Live Music: The Loyal Brothers | Brewing Tree | 5 - 8 PM
Trivia Night | Barren Ridge Vineyard | 5:30 - 7:30 PM | $Free
Spring Mixology | Orchard Creek | 6 - 9 PM | $50
Live Music: Hungry Hard Luck Heroes | Glass House Winery | 6 - 8:30 PM
*Friday Night Karaoke | Bold Rock | 6 - 9 PM
Friday Tasting Social | Hazy Mountain Vineyard | 6 - 7 PM | $15
Second Fridays Under the Stars | Ivy Creek Natural Area | 7 PM | $ Free | Registration Required
Rivanna Contra Dance | Greenwood Community Center | 7 - 10 PM | $Pay What You Can
Open Mic Night | The French Press | 7 - 9 PM | $Free
Live Music: Disco Risque | PRN Brewery | 7 - 10 PM | $20
Live Performance: Jim Witter - The Piano Man | Wayne Theatre | 7:30 PM | $45
Charlottesville English Country Dance | St. Paul's Episcopal Church | 7:30 - 9:30 PM | $10
Live Music: Who Shot John | The Foundry | 7 - 9 PM | $Free

Saturday, April 13th
Indoor Yard Sale | Olivet Presbyterian Church | 2575 Garth Road | 8:30 AM - 1:30 PM
Motorcycle Ride to Natural Chimneys Park | Meetup | 9 AM - 3 PM
UVA School of Medicine 5K Benefiting Camp Holiday Trails | 9 AM | $25
Piney River Mini Bi-Tri Athlon | Virginia Blue Ridge Railway Trail | 9 AM | $20+
Supervisor Mallek Town Hall | White Hall Ruritan | 10 AM - Noon
Open House at the Russell Museum | Waynesboro | 10 AM - 4 PM | $Free
Let's Paint Watercolor Lilies | The Nature Foundation at Wintergreen | 10 AM - 2 PM | $40
Britchin' Brown Renaissance Festival | Stable Craft Brewing Co | Noon - 6 PM | $Free
Pour Your Art Out | Starr Hill | 1 - 5 PM
Improv Session 1 | The Hamner Theatre | 1:30 - 3:30 PM | $Free
Live Music and Maker Popup | Grace Estate Winery | 2 - 4 PM
Live Music: Alex Arbaugh | Brewing Tree | 2 - 5 PM
Roaring 20's Night | Barren Ridge Vineyard | 3 - 6 PM | $5
Live Music: Local Vocals w/Khadija's Kitchen | Glass House Winery | 5 - 8 PM
Live Music: Jamie Deane and Friends | Starr Hill | 6 - 8 PM | $Free
Roller Skating | Greenwood Community Center | 6 - 9 PM | $2-$3 | Roller blades are allowed. No metal wheels!
Live Music: The Pollocks | Batesville Market | 7 - 9:30 PM | $15
Live Music: Juniper Lights | PRN Brewery | 7 - 10 PM | $Free
Live Music: Sam Hunt | JPJ Arena | 7:30 PM
Second Saturday Bluegrass Jam | Batesville Market | 2 - 4 PM | $Free
Renaissance Fair | Waynesboro Library | 10 AM - 2 PM | $Free

Sunday, April 14th
Snakes of Central Virginia Hike | Ivy Creek Natural Area | $Free | Registration Required
South River Falls Trail & South River Fire Road Loop Hike | Meetup | 10 AM - 1 PM
Macrame Air Plant Wall Hanging | Orchard Creek | 2 - 4 PM | $35
Live Music: Matt Johnson | Glass House Winery | 2 - 5 PM
Live Music: Rick Hollowell | Brewing Tree | 2 - 5 PM
An Introduction to the Snakes of Virginia - Central Region | Ivy Creek Natural Area | 2:30 PM | Registration Required
Brad Rykal’s Birthday! | All Day
Live Performance: Ciaran Sheehan | Wayne Theatre | 3 PM | $45
Live Music: Lama and The Hound | Starr Hill | 3 - 6 PM | $Free
Author Event: Hannah Loeb & Friends | Bluebird & Co | 4 - 5 PM | $Free | Reservation Required
Cozy Hobbies Club | Bluebird & Co | 4:30 - 5:30 PM | $Free
Rom Com Book Club w. Sarah: Girl Abroad by Elle Kennedy | Bluebird & Co | 4:30 - 5:30 PM | $Free
Live Music: Nick Berkin on Piano | PRN Brewery | 2 PM | $Free

Monday, April 15th
Tax Day
Yarns of Love | Waynesboro Library | 4 - 6 PM | $Free
Happy Hour | PRN Brewery | 4 - 7 PM | 1/2 Off Draft Beers
Men's Capella Barbershop Chorus | University Baptist Church | 7 - 9 PM
Mandala Art with Dana Wheeles | Crozet Library | 6:30 - 7:30 PM | $Free

Tuesday, April 16th
Play and Learn | Waynesboro Library | 10:30 AM - Noon | Ages 0-4
Frogs of Ivy Creek | Ivy Creek Natural Area | 5 PM | Registration Required
Line Dancing | Rockfish Valley Community Center | 5 - 6 PM | $10
Chess Club | Waynesboro Library | 5 - 7 PM | $ Free
Ballroom and Latin Dance Lessons | Rockfish Valley Community Center | 6:45 - 7:45 PM | $18
Trivia Night | Basic City Beer Co | 7 - 9 PM
Harlem Globtrotters World Tour | JPJ Arena | 7 PM
Dungeons & Dragons | Crozet Library | 7 - 8:45 PM | $ Free | Teens | Registration Required
*Trivia Night | Starr Hill | 7 - 9 PM
Trivia Night | Restoration @ Old Trail | 6:30 PM

Wednesday, April 17th
Hidden Rocks and Hone Quarry Falls Hike | TNFW | 9 AM - 5 PM | $15
Preschool Story Time | Waynesboro Library | 10 - 11 AM | Ages 3-5
Children's Chess Club | Waynesboro Library | 1 - 2 PM | Ages 0-12 | $Free
Mid-Week Music | Blue Mountain Brewery | 5 - 9 PM
Karaoke | Plaza Antigua | 6:30 - 9:30 PM
Game Night for Grown-Ups | Crozet Library | 6:30 - 8:30 PM | $Free
Open Mic Night | Wood Ridge Farm Brewery | 7 - 9 PM
Bingo, Beers and Brewhaha | Starr Hill | 7 - 9 PM
Disney Trivia | King Family Vineyard | 6 PM | $Free | Registration Required

Planning Ahead
Crozet Crushers 14U Travel Softball Fundraiser | Vineyard & Brewery Tour - Crozet Trolley | May 5th | 1 - 5PM | $100 | All proceeds will be used to pay for jerseys and tournament fees.
*Recurring Events
Want your event listed? Send us an email with the details. Basic event listings go for as low as $15 (non-profits are often listed at no charge). Lastly, this is a static newsletter but life isn’t. Check to make sure the event is still happening before loading up your family of 7 for the trip.
Our Town
Transportation Funding Cut The County’s draft budget recommends reducing its planned FY25 investment in transportation infrastructure by $6M to partially offset cost overruns related to the new Judicial Building ($6M), Albemarle High School’s Center 2 ($6M), Southern Elementary ($5M) and other capital projects ($2M).
If approved, there will only be $5M available for new transportation infrastructure projects in FY25 - across the entire County - while the Crozet Master Plan requires an additional $100M+ in new (but long overdue) local transportation investments to accommodate our growth.
New Affordable Housing Fund? As reported by Charlottesville Tomorrow, Supervisor Ann Mallek voiced support for investing $10M a year in a new fund dedicated to affordable housing, in addition to the County’s existing density incentives for developers to build affordable units.
Town Hall Supervisor Mallek is hosting a Crozet Town Hall to review the County’s budget and transportation priorities this evening (Wednesday, April 10th) at Brownsville Elementary starting at 7:00PM.
Western Way
WAHS News and Notes
Star senior Reese Mattern scored 3 goals as the Warriors cruised by Fluvanna 8-0. The Lady Warriors remain unbeaten, having scored 21 goals this season
The boys, also undefeated (5-0), also shut out Fluvanna 2-0
WAHS Links:

The Western Hemisphere WAHS has a newspaper, it’s amazing, you should read it!
Because this sports digest is a “For Crozet, By Crozet“ operation, please feel free to send in notable student accomplishments of the sporting and academic variety.
Upcoming Events
WAHS Varsity Boys Tennis vs Goochland | @ WAHS | Apr 11
WAHS Varsity Boys Tennis vs Norfolk Academy | @ WAHS | Apr 12
WAHS Varsity Girls Softball vs Monticello HS | @ WAHS | Apr 12
WAHS Varsity Boys Lacrosse vs Patrick Henry HS | @ WAHS | Apr 12
WAHS Varsity Girls Soccer vs Monticello HS | @ WAHS | Apr 15
WAHS Varsity Girls Tennis vs Monticello HS | @ WAHS | Apr 16
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